Professional Wobble Chair– A patented, height adjustable stool with a specially-designed seat. This active, therapeutic rehab provides 360° of rotation, 40° of side to side flexion and 35° of front to back flexion on a universal type joint to facilitate all possible combinations of exercise motion needed for lumbar disc mobility, re-hydration, nutrition delivery, and waste elimination.
Mechanical Drop Piece– The MDP utilizes the same specific frequency as the V/T, but the two pieces of equipment have inimitable functions. Where the V/T applies primarily to treating the loss of the normal spinal curves, the MDP affects the thoracic & pelvic spine in an axial/coronal plane, addressing translation & rotation. The V/T is a smaller fulcrum, applying force to the sagittal pivot points of the spine to facilitate lordotic restoration. The MDP uses a larger fulcrum to affect larger spinal angles and also uses more force & a greater displacement to affect the massive ligaments of the pelvic girdle, reducing rotation of the sacral base & innominates. It can be used in scoliotic patients as well as non-scoliotic patients; the benefits will be most apparent in patients with a great deal of pelvic rotation.
Modified Eckard Table– The table flexes up and down, loosening tight muscles and ligaments, and pumping nutrients into the spinal discs. It has many unique features which make it ideally suited to scoliosis treatment. It utilizes a system of brackets & belts/straps to assist the doctor with correction through de-rotation, decompression, and lateral flexion of the spine. The ultimate goal of flexion distraction for the scoliosis patient is to induce motion into the spine to aid in disc rehabilitation, create a “mirror image” of the patient’s posture to stretch the compressed soft tissues along the concavity and relax the elongated along the convexity, Utilize the lateral traction straps & lateral flexion feature to create a fulcrum at the apex of the scoliotic curvature, and apply additional lateral traction forces above and below the fulcrum point to induce lateral deviation in the patient’s spine in the opposite direction.
Scoliosis Traction Chair– Designed to be the ultimate tool to address & rehabilitate the scoliotic spine, especially once it has reached the advanced stages. Traditional approaches to scoliosis such as bracing and surgery have neglected the importance of the cervical spine in affecting spinal pathology, posture, and gait. Scientific research has suggested a more optimal approach to achieve the desired corrections; by combining this new information with established principles of chiropractic & biomechanics, along with Whole Body Vibration therapy as a means of retraining the neuro-muscular proprioceptive pathways, effective and permanent corrections to scoliosis can be obtained much more rapidly than with isometric exercises or chiropractic adjustments alone. Scoliosis is often accompanied by evidence of disc degeneration, osteoporosis, congenital malformation, and disc wedging.
We believe these to be the symptoms of scoliosis, however, rather than the cause. Whole-Body Vibration therapy helps to address these symptoms in accordance with established laws of biomechanics. Wolff’s Law states that a bone under stress will heal faster; Davis’ Law is the corresponding soft tissue equivalent that declares injured or torn ligaments will also re-heal more efficiently while under stress. Whole Body Vibration has been scientifically proven to increase bone density, relieve pain & inflammation, and increase flexibility by stimulating the various tissues and systems of the body. Research suggests that each tissue of the body – bone, muscle, and collagen – responds most effectively when stimulated by a specific vibratory frequency, and we have incorporated this science into the Scoliosis Traction Chair. Rotation and translation is a coupled motion when it occurs in the spinal column; it is impossible to address one dimension without affecting the other. The Scoliosis Traction Chair is designed to incorporate de-rotation, de-compression, and lateral traction while simultaneously providing stabilization of the posterior thoracic rib arch. It also isolates the trunk rotator muscles ipsilaterally to isometrically rehabilitate and strengthen the weakened core musculature.